Monday, January 25, 2016

     January 25,2016
     My life has been broken into segments for too long.  It seems I have been fighting cancer forever even though it has been six years. Like a pie cut in unequal pieces, cancer has taken too big of a slice.  I want the other slices back in balanced portion, my art, poetry, gardening and hiking.
     I have been called "Stage Four" since 2011. I hate that title, it make me feel like I am suppose to hurry up and die.  However I continue to choose life, joy and love.
     I am glad I have been able to teach a class on spirituality and art. I am pleased that I continue to watch dogs for my "Pet Fix" through

 I am honored to be the facilitator for a Breast Cancer Support Group through an organization called Breast Friends.

    I am blessed to have a wonderful husband that loves and accepts be as I am. He is so patient, helping with the housework on days I don't have the energy. He has learned to wear the hat of caregivier and husband,it is not easy for him.
     God had granted me breath and life for today, to laugh, and love and I am so thankful.